Zu Besuch bei Sigurd Larsen
Werbung | Für das dänische Küchenbrand Reform haben wir Sigurd Larsen in seinen vier Wänden in Berlin besucht. Wenn es um gutes Design geht kommt man seit geraumer Zeit an den Designs und Arbeiten des Dänen einfach nicht vorbei. Im vergangenen Jahr designte Sigurd die Küchenfronten FOLD, die durch klare Linien und charakteristische Faltung des Aluminiums besticht. Das Besondere an den Küchen von Reform ist, dass sie auf die Schränke von Ikea aufbauen. Wir haben Sigurd ein paar Fragen über seine Arbeiten gestellt.
CLICK Shelf by Sigurd Larsen
FOLD gibt es in den folgenden Ausführungen: Weiß, Aluminium, Anthrazit
Was hat dich nach Berlin verschlagen, wo der Norden doch so unfassbar schön ist?
If you are Danish but has the kind of energy that makes you more happy and inspired in a bigger city, your only choice is to leave the country. Berlin is the first big city you find when you move south.
Neben Möbeln entwirfst du auch Häuser und bist Professor an der Berlin International University, (BAU International) Gibt es etwas, woran du dich nicht wagen würdest?
I’m not sure. The creative processes in various scales at the same time as well as teaching on the side seems to me a more smooth way of working. If you run projects parallel the machine never really stops but rather shifts to a different gear. I think that helps the production of ideas a lot.
Auf welche Herausforderung hättest du noch so richtig Lust?
A larger apartment or hotel building would be an exciting next step. As an architect I really like working with the program of living, both permanently in houses or temporarily in hotels.
Im letzten Jahr hast du für Reform die Fold designt. Wie kam es zur Zusammenarbeit mit Reform und was war dir beim Entwerfen einer Küche besonders wichtig?
They actually told me they were looking for a German designer but somehow found me in their search and decided to approach me. I was very excited about their aesthetics so I thought the match was perfect. During the design we realized that the visual expression of the handle offered a lot of creative freedom and opportunities, so the design ended up being one big handle that covers the entire surface of each door.
Wie oft kochst du in deiner eignen Küche und was am liebsten?
To spend a day planing food, preparing and enjoying it, is my idea of a nice day off. So I usually manage it once a week. Baking bread is probably the only thing im good at, the rest rather mediocre but eatable.
An welchen spanenden Projekten arbeitest du zur Zeit?
This year we will start the construction of a treetop hotel in a forest in Denmark. Each hotel room will be a house hanging high up under the tree canopies. Then we will complete a house in the Austrian Alps and 2 white cube houses by the ocean in Greece. So at the moment we have the pleasure of working in very different landscapes and climates which is very inspiring.
Melbourne Daybed by Sigurd Larson
Dieser Beitrag ist in Zusammenarbeit mit Reform entstanden!